Vol. 1, No. 3


What's Inside

 In our third issue, you can look forward to:  

+ New Italian Literature: including poetry by Amelia Rosselli and—the issue’s centerpiece—the chilling, surreal Lampedusa Beach, a one-act play by Lina Prosa

Short stories from Joe Wenderoth and Yelena Akhtiorskaya, as well as the second installment of HENRYTOWN, a novella by Chris Erickson

+ A portfolio of new poetry by Matt Hart, as well as a portfolio of documentary poetry curated byEleni Sikelianos, and featuring work by C.D. Wright, Deborah Luster, M. Nourbese Philip, Cole Swenson, Nan Burton and Layli Long Soldier. 

+Essays: Stanley Corngold on Kafka, risk, and The Metamorphosis; and famed Brazilian literary criticRoberto Schwarz on ‘The Dialectic of Roguery’ and literary form.

+ Book Reviews: on Bilge Karasu’s A Long Day’s Evening; Chico Buarque’s Split Milk; Marie Chaix’sSilences, or A Woman’s Life; and Quim Monzó’s A Thousand Morons