Vol. 1, No. 2


What's Inside

In our second issue, you can look forward to: 

+ A disquieting, masterfully rendered one-act play by Yusef Komunyakaa. 

Short stories from Rebecca Curtis and Amelia Gray, as well as the first installment of HENRYTOWN, a novella by Chris Erickson

+ Three portfolios of new poetry: from Paul MuldoonMatthea Harvery and Daniel Aaron

+ New Russian literature: a short story by newcomer Igor Savelyev, and poems from Arkadii Dragomoshchenko, translated by Eugene Ostashevsky and Bela Shayevich. 

James Baldwin‘s incisive, prescient essay, “A Stranger in the Village.” 

+ Book Reviews: on Mark Z. Danielewski’s The Fifty Year Sword; William Gillespie’s Keyhole Factory; and a critical round-up of new poetry collections.