Review: Chico Buarque's "Spilt Milk"From the Print

Songwriter and novelist Chico Buarque has affected a transition from the Brazilian Bob Dylan to the Brazilian José Saramago or Orhan Pamuk or Gabriel García Márquez. These authors write books where a protagonist’s limp is a metaphor for a country’s crippled left, or a protagonist’s name is a pun about ethnic rivalry…

1 January 1918: Ezra Pound to Harriet Monroe

With the following letter Ezra Pound sent several poems to Harriet Monroe, editor of Poetry: A Magazine in Verse.  She rejected them all, including “Vergier,” “Mr. Styrax,” and “Ritratto,” deeming them “unpublishable” as they were too “frank.” Even so, Monroe … Continued

At the Art Fairs

When I was living in England, a literary agent once said to me at a party, “I was born to be a literary agent: my father was a car salesman and my mother was a social worker”…

Mr. Didion

John Gregory Dunne was always the less successful of the pair. The last and most famous role he played was as negative space in his widow’s memoir. For us, he was never there—but then his absence was of immediate emotional enormity. He was a being whose most incentivizing move was to step off camera.