Shots in the Dark: Interrogating Gun Violence in Fiction

It’s as though Proulx and Finn mean to demonstrate to us in showing the violence as they do that the passion vindicated in a murder with a gun will never outlive the hot moment it lurks in. Both deaths are murder-suicides where neither the victim nor shooter survives; they’re double-barreled sound and fury, absorbing themselves like an unhealthy star…

Lampedusa BeachFrom the Print

“What do we do, my children and I, the days with no food?”
Mahama responded:
“Have the first one leave, have her leave on a day with no food.
Those who remain will watch her set out,
it will be their duty to cry.
When the heart suffers there is no hunger.”

Yeezy Rising

Part of this meme’s power stems from a long American engagement with images that put outspoken black men back in their place…

All Fall

I was having a drink on the balcony of a friend’s apartment in Brooklyn last April when I fainted, flipped over the railing and fell two stories onto a parked vehicle and thence into an asphalt parking lot some fifteen feet below…