Staff Picks: Print Favorites

This October, the American Reader is going (almost) all print. In celebration of this shift, the editors have put together an unranked list of twenty of our favorite stories, poems, plays and essays that have appeared in our print edition over the past two years.

1 January 1918: Ezra Pound to Harriet Monroe

With the following letter Ezra Pound sent several poems to Harriet Monroe, editor of Poetry: A Magazine in Verse.  She rejected them all, including “Vergier,” “Mr. Styrax,” and “Ritratto,” deeming them “unpublishable” as they were too “frank.” Even so, Monroe … Continued

Catch a Fire

In the game of cricket, when a batsman makes a “half a century,” he raises his bat like a sceptre or a torch (indeed, like both) and slowly twirls it to the four corners of the field. This momentary stirring … Continued

Better Thought About

The internet seems like it should be rife with potential constraints for Oulipian – or highly structured, or at least experimental – literature. The much-discussed Twitter is an obvious example, and if you’re like me and you like rules, the … Continued

Ask for Melody

The Best American Poetry collection celebrated its 25th anniversary last night at The New School. The concept of the “best” American poetry or “best” American poets in any given year may sound a bit strange at face value—and rightly so. … Continued


Granta is no stranger to the themed issue, but the latest is one you might not expect. Last night, James Lasdun and Ben Lerner, contributors to the quarterly, joined associate editor Patrick Ryan at NYU’s Creative Writers House to read … Continued

Small Press Expo 2012

This past weekend marked the annual Small Press Expo (SPX), one of the country’s premier independent comics conventions. Over 3000 people attended the event in Rockville, Maryland. This year’s line up of guests included Gilbert and Jamie Hernandez, Adrian Tomine, … Continued