
This Saturday night, Magnet Theater feature piece “Kiss*Punch*Poem,” the year-old brain child of poet Meghann Plunkett and theater co-owner Alex Marino. The show presents an unbroken improvised performance bookended by an exquisite corpse.  The format is a kind of magician’s … Continued

"Unburdening the Ten-Year-Old Soul"

Yesterday, The Atlantic posted an article by Robert Pondiscio entitled, “How Self-Expression Damaged My Students.” Pondiscio offers an interesting, if ultimately flawed, thesis: In early childhood writing education, the deliberate cultivation of creative or imaginative expression will ultimately impede scholarly … Continued

Catch a Fire

In the game of cricket, when a batsman makes a “half a century,” he raises his bat like a sceptre or a torch (indeed, like both) and slowly twirls it to the four corners of the field. This momentary stirring … Continued

Better Thought About

The internet seems like it should be rife with potential constraints for Oulipian – or highly structured, or at least experimental – literature. The much-discussed Twitter is an obvious example, and if you’re like me and you like rules, the … Continued