4 April (1957): Flannery O'Connor to Maryat Lee

It is not known by everybody but: the peafowl is called peafowl because his favorite dish is peas-green peas, black-eyed peas, sweets or any peas that come to mind. Furthermore, the peacock sheds his tail every August and the alert owner goes behind with bucket and picks up each feather…

Imagined Conversations (4.1.14)

A: We’re French, we had to put wine in the story. And so life had champagne parties.
B: Well, a party without champagne…
A: —Is a war without weapons. You know, if I was younger, we’d have had a great passionate affair for two years and been friends the rest of our lives. I can tell you that frankly. That said, if you violate my airspace, there will not be a funeral!