What We Can’t See: On Photographer Richard Mosse

In a darkened room of Chelsea’s Jack Shainman gallery last month, I watched Richard Mosse’s new short film “The Enclave,” as the disembodied eye of a Steadicam roved a mountain landscape—pink, impossibly pink—with inhuman sweeps. On a mountain slope the color of cotton candy, the camera edged down a gravel road…

8 April (1956): Allen Ginsberg to Louis Ginsberg

The thing I do in class is get them personally involved in what they’re writing and lambaste anything which sounds at all like they’re writing “literature” and try to get them to actually express secret life in whatever form it comes out. I practically take off my clothes in class to do it…

Imagined Conversation (4.7.14)

A: A trained ape…
B: We need to get this behind us. This nation admits its errors, as painful as they may be.
A: A trained ape preventing surveillance of millions of people at a time? That is totally within our abilities.

Ask Katharine

Use that fear. Wear that fear proudly like a communion dress, like a charm bracelet, where each charm symbolizes a life experience. Do not actually wear any charm bracelets. They show weakness.

7 April (1941): James Jones to Jeffrey Jones

You know there’s really nobody that I can talk to with[out] being afraid of being laughed at, not even you. Right now, I’m afraid you’ll laugh when you read this; or worse, feel sorry for me and pity me, because I’m a[n] idealistic, romantic kid, who doesn’t know what in the hell he’s talking about. In fact, this is the first time I’ve ever come anywhere near telling you what I thought…