25 March (1841): Walt Whitman to Abraham Paul Leech

—Of course; I build now and then my castles in the air.—I plan out my little schemes for the future; and cogitate fancies; and occasionally there float forth like wreaths of smoke, and about as substantial, my day dreams.—But, take it all in all, I have reason to bless the breeze that wafted me to Whitestone.

20 March (1932): Katherine Anne Porter to Kenneth Burke

God sends the rain, according to her, and God willed that she should have rheumatism, and it was God who decided that she should forget her beans and let them burn. I put up a good fight, but still I have an uneasy sense of being under the eye of a capricious Overseer who is likely to play almost any kind of trick on me at any moment.

19 March (1954): C.S. Lewis to Eight American Children

In Hugh’s picture of the Dufflepuds what I like best (though the D’s themselves are quite good) is the ship, just the right sort of ship, and the shadow of the ship, and the windiness of the sky. I mean, I like a picture of out-of-door things to look as if it was really out of doors—as this does. But you all seem able to do that.