Ticker Tape

In our third and final installment of Aidan Koch’s series on alternative eReaders, we have perhaps the most inconvenient of all. This non-existent technological wonder is based on the noble tradition of ticker tape, the earliest digital communications medium. Old-school ticker tape tracked rising and … Continued

Key Change

Second time around: Aidan Koch takes another stab at a think-outside-the-tab eReader. This one attaches to your keychain and, like the tamagotchi did before it, keeps your wallet and phone company. Nothing wrong with standing in front of your house for a few minutes until you … Continued

Optical Delusion

Remember when new inventions displayed a charming disregard for user experience? Check out this bicycle. It’s called a velocipede, and Nicéphore Niépce, its inventor, could not have cared less if you fell off. Only recently have we been so coddled by things like … Continued