WINTER 2015 Editorial Internships

The American Reader is now accepting applications for Winter 2015 internships. We are interested in interns with an available time commitment of two to three days a week, for two to four months. 

Please have your desired starting date clearly stated on your application, which must be submitted to with the subject line WINTER 2015 INTERNSHIP APPLICATION no later than December 15, 2014.

As we are a new magazine with a small staff, interns will be fully immersed in all aspects of producing a monthly literary magazine. Duties will span the entire production process, ranging from researching, proofreading, and attending editorial meetings, to maintaining databases and organizing our office. Interns will work closely with our editor-in-chief Uzoamaka Maduka and executive editor Jac Mullen, as well as the senior editors in all of our departments.

Prospective interns currently attending college are encouraged to contact their college registrar’s office to receive academic credit for their internships. The American Reader internships are currently unpaid.

Application Requirements:

Please send a brief cover letter explaining your interest in The American Reader with a clearly stated starting date, along with your curriculum vitae and three short writing samples (no more than 15 pages total and at least one non-fiction example, ideally an essay or report relating to a work of literature). Candidates with copy-editing and proofreading experience are preferred. Please be sure to note relevant experience in your cover letter. 

Digital interns must be proficient in Photoshop. Experience with WordPress preferred.



WINTER 2015 Social Media Internship


The American Reader is now also accepting applications for a Winter 2015 social media intern. We are interested in an intern with an available time commitment of two to three days a week, for two to four months.

Please have your desired starting date clearly stated on your application, which must be submitted to with the subject line WINTER 2015 SOCIAL MEDIA INTERNSHIP APPLICATION no later than December 15, 2014.

The intern will work closely with the American Reader editors to develop the magazine’s presence on Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Familiarity with each of these platforms is required, and previous experience managing social media accounts for a brand is preferred. Additionally, candidates should have a knack for visual media.



WINTER 2015 Sales Internship

The Reader is seeking a commissioned sales intern to usher appropriate businesses and institutions into its pages and onto its website as advertising partners. The ideal candidate will be persuasive, organized and aggressive; she will work independently and diligently and reinforce the Reader‘s brand in all her communications. Experience as the business manager of a campus publication or media outlet—or other related work experience—strongly preferred; slight preference to candidates with design experience. Throughout the internship, the candidate will receive exposure to and experience working with high-profile and boutique brands and acquire thorough, hands-on knowledge of one of the crucial aspects of the publishing business, as well as compensation based on sales performance. Successful performance is likely to lead to a part-time, contract hire. Résumé and three-sentence cover letter required. 

Please have your desired starting date clearly stated on your application, which must be submitted to with the subject line WINTER 2015 SALES INTERNSHIP APPLICATION no later than December 15, 2014.