A Peck of Pitches

Dear Brother,

         You have asked about my whereabouts since our last conversation. There is no need to fear; I have been exploring the many coffee shops of Brooklyn. My work has not suffered, for I feel as comfortable writing in these creative havens as I do in my own home! As you know, I tend to jump up on my chair and shout “Eureka!” whenever I pen the perfect idea. When other writers in the shop reprimand me for my enthusiasm, I respond as I always do:

“Ah, but my older brother, the established Editor at Penguin Books, believes an author’s eccentricities only add to his or her prose!”

The writers were so impressed by my quickness that they apologized and bought me coffee and scones. Ah, Brooklyn, where doth the free spirit dwell if not in your coffee shops! 

Anyhow, as I leave these shops, my new friends often hand me off a parting manuscript or two so that I might share my insights. They say “Maybe you, or your brother, wouldn’t mind looking at this!” It’s cute, is it not? They are embarrassed and humbled by my expertise so they use YOUR name to make their deference less apparent. Anyhow, here are the titles of a few works that might skyrocket your career in the near future.

 Frankly, I Miss You: A Memoir by Letharge Pinksy

 The Functions of a Kiss: A Novel By Tawdry Philips

 Where the Ambrosia Doth Drip: A collection of Short Stories By J. Herington Myles

 Maureen, Your Last Letter Left Me Wondering…: a novel by Lucy Lyle

 Waxing Poetic: the Interviews of Virginia Wax by the Virginia Wax Group

 Each According to His Knead: Bread Photography Vol. 1 1960-1964 edited by Ergent Iffles

 DemoCRAZY: Why can’t politics be silly like me? By Snyder “Sgt. Goof” Stax

 Skateboarding, Skateboarding and Skateboarding: What I Like To Do by Skip “Buzz” Kraft

 Did I Say Something Wrong? and Other “Duh”-Worthy Questions in the Modern American Relationship by Shanell Overtree

 I Am Not Winking. I Am Not Winking: A Novel by Berthley Jibe

 ‘Pologize For Punnin? Don’t Make Me Puke!: Living with No Regrets by Former Speaker of the House Chester J. Cunningham

Again, the Orcs Relent: Volume II of the Berth-Gultta Frock Trilogy by R.R. Arevar

Did Anybody Actually Kill Kennedy?: An Investigation by Lillian Shwartz

Does Anybody Actually Kill Anybody?: An Argument By Topher Shwartz 

Is Death Real?: The Center-Leftist Perspective by Adam Shwartz-Jespin 

Don’t Die: An Open Letter to Mankind by Kindle Jespin

Would You Stop? Would You Just Stop It Already?: How To Really Talk to Your Kids By Isaiah Shwartz and Miranda Jespin Ph.D.

Sniffle Kings: A Novel by McCoy Tanner

I look forward to sending  you summaries of titles that interest you. Some of these authors may help us save the publishing industry. 

