26 March (1928): James Joyce to Harriet Shaw Weaver

James Joyce was translating one of Aesop’s fables, “The Ant and the Grasshopper” for his book Finnegans Wake. In this meticulous letter to his editor and patron Harriet Shaw Weaver, he tries to explain many of his word choices by way of lexical roots in German, French, Italian and Norwegian.


To Harriet Shaw Weaver                                          
MS. British Museum
Postmark 26 March 1928
Hotel du Rhin & de Newhaven, Dieppe

Ondt (Nor) = angry
Gracehoper = Graeshoper (Nor)
Floh = Ger. flea
Luse = O.E. louse
Bienie = Biene (Ger) bee
Vespatilla = Lat. little wasp Ital.
pupa = entom. term: = doll
pulicy = Ital. dial = pula = flea
commence insects = commit incest 
everlistings = laurel bushes
harry me &c = Vico, thunderclap, marriage with auspices, burial of dead, providence
puce = Fr. flea
fourmish = Fr. ant 
Spinner’s = Ger. spider 
fourmilierly = Fr. anthill
Tingssomgenting = Nor = nothing
Besterfarther = Nor grandfather also conqueror
Zeuts = Zeus + Zeit (time)
myrmidens = myrmis Ger. ant
pszozlers = Pol. bee
sommerfugl = Nor butterfly
sphex = insect
Nix &c = Ger. dial. = Nothing
Pou = Fr. louse
lopp = Nor. flea
Weltall = Ger. universe
raumy = Ger. space
pysche = Gr. butterfly also E. gloss
laus = Ger. louse
mouche = Fr. fly
chairmanlook = Germanlooking
wetting with waps (betting, wasp, wop (Americ. slang for Italian)
sylph = entom. term
Iomio = Ital Dio mio! (he is not on the sociallist bot on the egolist).
Crick = cricket
whilepaper = time also wallpaper
lustre = 5 years also chandelier
mensas & seccles (tables & settles) also months and siècles
ephemerids = insect living a day
the terniatary = eternity also termitary (white anthill)
cicada = Ital. kind of cricket
grillo = Ital cricket (aver grilli in capo = to have a bee in one’s bonnet)
leivnits = Leibnitz also live nits i.e young lice (cf akKant, schoppinhour etc and other philosophers)
Tossmania = Tasmania, he stands on his head to be really ‘antipodal’
phthin = Gr. louse
lugly = ugly and luglio, It = July
Tournedo = tornado and tournedos (we turn our back to the wind)
tilehats = tall hats (tile, slang) also tiles from huts
Bora etc = Bora (adriatic wind) Aurora Borealis
tetties = It. roofs also dial. breasts
coppe = rooftiles (It. dial)
unshrinkables = pyjamas
swarming of = Ger to be enthusiastic over (i.e. himself)
monkynous = monkeynuts also the ‘nous’ rational intelligence cf monasticism
coonfucion of minthe, confession of mind ‘infusion de menthe’
appi = Ital. beer
cosy fond tuttes = Cosi fan tutte (Mozart) So do Ladies All.
Be jiltses etc. = By Jesus Christ also By Jaysus wept/Dublin accent
schneezed = Germ to sneeze in snow (Schnee)
eyeforsight = Eifersucht. Ger. jealousy
wittol = O.E.—a conniving cuckold
spizz = Ital dialect = itch
spass = Germ amusement
formicolation = Lat. ant also penis & melding {?}
amiesing = Ger. ant
faith hope & charity
Dorcu = Irish grasshoper
Dunshager = Irish anthill
odderkop = other head also Nor spider
myre = mire also Nor ant 
actual grace
despair and presumption are sins against hope

Dear Miss Weaver:   These few lines of explanation may be useful. I would continue but I feel rather tired this afternoon. I shall write as soon as I am really rested—if ever. With kindest regards one who hopes for grace
Short explanation of the Aesop fable in relation to Joyce’s work: http://www.finnegansweb.com/wiki/index.php/The_Ondt_and_the_Gracehoper
Finnegan’s Wake online with annotations: http://www.finwake.com/1024chapter1/1024finn1.htm
Biography of Harriet Shaw Weaver: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/WweaverH.htm