19 April (1928): Aldous Huxley to Julian Huxley

In this letter to his older brother Julian, Aldous Huxley shows a little brotherly love in support of Julian’s new book. A well-known biologist, Julian was one of the founding members of the World Wildlife Fund and the first director of UNESCO.

[April 1928]

My dear J,

 I got back to find a note from Aunt Ethel to say that G.B. S[haw]’s had asked us to lunch on Friday next, the 6th. So on the principle that the poor are always with us, I am going to ask you to let me cut our lunch for that day. But I’d like to come in any case afterwards to have a look at the experiment.

Will you be lunching any day next week at the Athenaeum? If so we might arrange to do it on the same day.

 I’ve begun your Biology and Human Life, with pleasure and profit. Have you seen the Express’s anti-birth control campaign? They are saying that B.C. gives women cancer. Not bad propaganda that!

 I hope Juliette wasn’t bad. Give her my love.





For more on Julian Huxley’s work with the World Wildlife Fund, click here.